Giriraj Govardhana mountain is also called up. Five thousand years ago it was Govardhana 30 thousand meters high. Now maybe 30 meters has remained the same. Pulastya a handful of sage cursed mountain day it is becoming less. On this mountain the Lord Krishna had lifted his left hand finger junior. Sri Govardhana Hill is located at a distance of 22 km from Mathura.
According to legend, Mr. Girirajji pulastya Dronachal mountain sage brought in Braj. It is the recognition that work was underway when the pier Rama Hanuman were brought from the mountain Uttarakhand, But then the oracle of the pier has been completed, you can hear it in Braj south side of the mountain Hanuman again returned. Why lifted Govardhana Hill: The mountain of the Lord Krishna had lifted his finger ant. The reason was that Mathura, Gokul, Vrindavan etc. The people he wanted to protect guests from rain-doctor. Gather at the bottom of the mountain dweller saved your life. Indra was routed by extreme rain-doctor. People were afraid and fear all Indra Indra worshiped Krishna told you ... I am not afraid to leave.
Parikrama significance: the importance of Hindu men circled the mountain. Krishna devotees round the mountain to the whole world, who come Vashnvjn and Vallabh sect. This full circle is 21 kilometers, approximately 7 miles Parikrama Marg Anyur fall in the main venue, Jatipura, Mukharvid Temple, Radhakund, Kusum Sarovar, Manasi Ganga, Govind Kund, Puncri the Luta, Dangati etc.. Surabhi cow in Govardhan, airavat elephants and a rock icon on the steps of Lord Krishna. And common Manasi Ganga Vashnvjn Jatipura circled the beginning and again to reach there. This is akin to the application. Luta area of Puncri comes in Rajasthan.
Giriraj Vashnvjn that live up the mountain is the temple of God. Lord Krishna says to the bedroom. The temple is his bedroom. It is a cave temple in Rajasthan Srinathdwara about which it is said that it is up.
The mythological significance of Govardhan Parikrama. Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of the full moon each month millions of devotees of the Sapta Kosi orbit. Annually on Guru Purnima is the special significance of the revolution. All Gaudiya Sampradaya Srigiriraj Mountain foothills, Ashta impression jolly Vaishnava saints and many spiritual poet's library. Now let's talk mountain conditions. It's really the last five thousand years automatically everyday over a fist or that urbanization and the vagaries of weather, it almost finished. Today it is left over testudineous. Short-thick Jadiyhan also appears. And some villages around the city of Mount Govardhan that surrounds us. In its first Jatipura, Mukharvid Temple Puncri Luta's dominant position in the second half Radhakund, Govind Kund and Manasi Ganga is prime location. Go and visit ends at Manasi Ganga. Manasi Ganga Walk a little further then the main street of the city appears. Some do not understand that either the road or the road Govardhan Govardhan both? It seems that the road is finished by population and lack of governance to Govardhana.
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